Past the Half Way Point

It snowed today. It wasn’t the first snow of the year, but I think this is the stuff that will stay till March. And with the snow comes a realization that the hunting season is well past the half-way point. There are still a few days left in the deer season and we can chase grouse until just before Xmas. But after that, the only quarry on the menu will be jack rabbits in January and then the long, long off-season.
Looking back, I can say that it has truly been an outstanding season. We will have many great memories to keep us warm over the winter. In fact so many of those memories where caught on film, that I had to divide the “Hunting 07” gallery into several smaller galleries. I’ve decided to present them month by month and update them as the season progresses. To have a look click on the photo. Then click on the photo(s) for the gallery of the month(s) you’d like to view.