An English system for German dogs?

The development of our pointing breeds,British and continental, and the breeding, testing and registration systems we've invented for them has followed the ebb and flow of various cultural, social and political forces. Let's not forget that all the pointing breeds started in southern europe. They then spread across the continent and into the UK in the 1600s (longhaired setting dogs) and after the War of Spanish succession in 1715 (short haired pointing dogs "braque" and "old spanish pointers").Then for the next century and a half, they sort of languished on the continent, taking on regional characteristics but not really advancing beyond the fairly primitive model from the south.
Meanwhile in the UK, the 1700s and 1800s were years of unbridled innovation and advancement. Aided by the huge leap forward in livestock breeding techniques pioneered by Robert Bakewell in the 1770s, and driven by fierce competition within a growing class of nouveau riche, landed gentry and various other social climbers, pointing dog development shifted into high gear. British innovation, a genius for animal husbandry and the free enterprise system transformed long-haired setting dogs and short-haired pointing dogs into the various Setters and the Pointer.
And after the fall of Napoleon in 1815, these improved versions of the old breeds returned to the land of their ancestors. When they did, it was as if a bomb had gone of on the continental sporting scene. It is hard to overemphasis the impact. British Pointers and Setters were light years ahead of the continental breeds and stunned the dog-men of the day. Breeders across the continent stampeded to either get some of the dogs for themselves or to breed their dogs to them. Some even admitted it, many, due to nationalism and other social restrictions, did not. But it is safe to say that there is not a single, solitary pointing breed on the continent that does not have at least a drop or two of British blood in it. Some are clearly half breeds, others, more like 9/10th breeds.
The British influence is still very strong to this day. The English setter is the most popular pointing breed in France and Italy where over 20 thousand (!) are bred each year. Pointers are very popular everywhere and are still used (by the light of the moon) to add speed, range and nose to many breeds. The British competitive system of field trials and dog shows still dominates in many countries and now regularly produces Setters and Pointers that would run circles around their relatives back in the UK. So what happened?
Why are we now discussing setting up a German based non-competitive system in the UK? How did the Brits go from absolute monarchs of the pointing dog kingdom to net importers of types of dogs that the average 19th century English Sportsman would have considered curiosities at best, and wooly-haired pointing pigs at worst? Well it turns out that the "wooly-haired pointing pigs" were actually damn good dogs. And when the British pointing breeds made their way to the continent in the early 1800s, they rocked the world of hunters there. So breeders set their sights on building an even better mousetrap.
The British influence is still very strong to this day. The English setter is the most popular pointing breed in France and Italy where over 20 thousand (!) are bred each year. Pointers are very popular everywhere and are still used (by the light of the moon) to add speed, range and nose to many breeds. The British competitive system of field trials and dog shows still dominates in many countries and now regularly produces Setters and Pointers that would run circles around their relatives back in the UK. So what happened?
Why are we now discussing setting up a German based non-competitive system in the UK? How did the Brits go from absolute monarchs of the pointing dog kingdom to net importers of types of dogs that the average 19th century English Sportsman would have considered curiosities at best, and wooly-haired pointing pigs at worst? Well it turns out that the "wooly-haired pointing pigs" were actually damn good dogs. And when the British pointing breeds made their way to the continent in the early 1800s, they rocked the world of hunters there. So breeders set their sights on building an even better mousetrap.

Meanwhile, back in Jolly Old England, it was the Brits' turn to let their pointing breeds languish. Pointers and Setters split into (mainly) show and (very few) field lines and the average British rough shooter migrated to spaniels and labs. Where there were once over a hundred kennels and dozens of lines of working Pointers and Setters, there were soon only a handful, if that.
So after couple of world wars and several decades of British servicemen and women being stationed in Germany and elsewhere, the continental breeds began to arrive on British shores. And they were no longer thought of as wooly-haired pointing pigs. They were now seen as fantastic do-it-all dogs that the Brits christened "HPRs".

So here we are today, wondering what sort of system could be established to reconcile two very different approaches to breeding and proving pointing dogs. My answer is "I don't know'. The Brits could look at the North American model and systems like NAVHDA and go from there. Or they could just import, wholesale, the German system like some clubs have done in the US. But I am not British and I have no idea what sort of thing would stimulate enough interest and gain enough gravitas to succeed. However, I am an optimist, so I do believe that a system could be created or imported.
But here's the rub... and it is a big rub: I fear that the age of innovation and excellence in pointing dog breeding has come to an end. The very hunting culture for which our dogs were designed is in slow but steady decline and the doors now seem to be closed to new breeds or new initiatives.
Let's face it, the very essence of kennel clubs is not innovation, evolution or progress. Kennel clubs are the social equivalent of aspic in which we seek to seal our breeds "as is" forever and ever, despite paying lip service to the idea of "improving" them. The last great systemic shakeup in pointing dogs, I believe, was the creation of NAVHDA in the very early 1970s and the creation of North America chapters of the German clubs in the 70s and 80s. So from here on out, despite all the improved communication the Internet has brought us and despite more exchange of genetic material via cheap travel and pet passports, inevitably, the pointing dog culture will become increasingly marginalized until it is truly a niche, within a niche, within a niche.
So does that mean one should not try to create a British system for HPR evaluation? No. Does it mean no one should try to form a UK chapter of a German breed club? I don't think so.
But what is does mean is that the task will become more difficult every year. So if you are going to do it, do it now. None of us is getting any younger -- when was the last time you saw a group of 20 somethings discussing dogs and hunting and testing and trials? The clock is ticking on the fate of hunting in many countries. This may be the last chance that the continental pointing dogs in the UK will ever have of getting their act together.
There is not a shortage of quality HPR's in the UK. There is a distinct lack of hunting-working desire in the British psyche. In general those who want to own a dog do not want to put it to any purpose other than to pet it.
ReplyDeleteThere are enough quality HPR's being bred to meet the demand for them. There is in fact a surplus which is sold to pet and show homes.
If you want to rescue the weimaraner from the couch you have to re-condition the owner to want to put his dog to a purpose. You cannot condemn the breed for the actions or rather inaction of the owner.
The average Joe would rather watch sheepdogs on TV than get out in the field with his dog and hunt. There is a public disdain for dogs which hunt because it is not recognised as a natural instinct but an unwelcome trait. Hunting with dogs is a vilified activity. Shooting is characterised as a sport for toffs in tweeds.
The common lands upon which the public may wish to have hunted their dogs was enclosed by the gentry centuries ago. Hunting and shooting is fairly inaccesable. Fishing is more popular but even the rivers are mostly private.
There is an undeclared war being waged by urban society on country pursuits.
Blaming the demise of the hunting dog on the dog is barking up the wrong tree.
The English Brits cant make a car that doesnt break down within a year, let alone leak oil constantly.
ReplyDeletePeople like and prefer the German made products, Hunting dogs included.