And now for something photo-related

When I am not in out in the field with my dogs, I spend much of my time in the darkroom working with old-school photographic papers and chemicals. And when I say old school, I mean really old school.... as in mid-1880's-0ld-school.
One of my favorite techniques is known as platinum/palladium printing. In a nutshell, it means coating cotton paper, by hand, with solutions of platinum and palladium salts and then exposing the paper, under a negative, to ultraviolet light. The result is a warm-toned photographic image of delicate, subtle tone. The photo of Felix and Souris above is a platinum print. On screen it looks OK, but the print is really something to behold if I do say so myself.
A few years ago, I worked out a method to coat kind of paper that everyone thought would never work. I then wrote a small "how to" booklet to share the technique with other platinum/palladium printing enthusiasts. I sold a fair number of the booklet and got some great feedback from the folks that tried my technique.
Recently, I revised the booklet and had it completely redesigned. Today, I am happy to announce that it is now available for purchase on line!
It is called Vouloir C'est Pouvoir which means "Where there is a will there is a way" and is available through the fine folks at Blurb. You can get a sneak preview below and if you want to order one as a stocking stuffer for the old school photo dweeb in the family, just click that shiny "buy" know you want to!
I used to do some platinum / palladium printing. still have the spring easel for exposing. Maybe someday I'll get back to it.