Props to the Politicians!

Not really my cup of tea.
But today I want to give props to the provincial government of Manitoba.
First of all, for readers outside of Manitoba, I should explain that the NDP (New Democratic Party) has been in power since 1999. They are a left-of-center party in a generally left-of-center country with the kind of platform that makes regular viewers of Fox News reach for their asthma inhalers and emergency stash of metamucil.
And I've voted for them in every provincial election since I was old enough to cast a ballot.
You see, under the NDP, hunting opportunities in Manitoba have improved nearly every year. The powers that be have actively promoted youth hunting initiatives with special seasons and programs for 13 to 17 year olds. They've extended most seasons, introduced new ones, opened up Sunday hunting province wide, increased bag limits on many species and last year passed The Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Heritage Act which basically enshrines every Manitoban's right to hunt, trap and fish.
This year, they declared that from now on, the fourth Saturday in September will be Provincial Hunting Day with events being held around the province to celebrate Manitoba’s hunting traditions.
But the most surprising thing was something I found in the printed version of the 2010 Hunting Guide. It is a blaze orange 7 inch square printed card that says:
WE NEED YOUR HELP. Please introduce your family and friends to hunting in 2010.
It goes on to explain that Manitoba Conservation wants to increase the number of hunting activities and requests that hunters:
- Ask friends, children, relatives or co-workers to join you on a hunt.
- Get to know the hunter educator in your area and see how you can bring new hunters to them.
- Start a mentored hunt in your community.
- Engage someone who use to hunt (seniors get special rates on licenses and in some cases, do not even need a license for some species).
- Invite friends for a wild game supper to introduce them to hunting and the great bounty it provides.
You may or may not agree with their other policies, but when it comes to hunting it seems that the NDP "get's it". And as long as they continue to understand the importance of hunting in Manitoba they will get this hunter's vote.