
Thank you to everyone for the kind words following the passing of Calou. The handsome white cat with the operatic voice and suspected “alternative lifestyle” is now at peace in our private pet cemetery, otherwise known as the flowerbed in the front yard. We would like to thank Dr. Colleen Skavinsky and the staff at Anderson Animal Hospital for the wonderful care they provided Calou, and all our pets over the years. And we would especially like to thank Jer and Jude for their thoughtful donation, in Calou’s name, to the Pet Trust Fund at the Ontario Veterinary College*. Your kind gesture has touched us deeply. Merci beaucoup!
*"The Pet Trust Fund promotes the health, health care and quality of life of companion animals. We support studies and special projects that improve the quality of care pets receive and lead to advances in veterinary medicine. Our donors say that supporting Pet Trust is a loving way to cherish the memory of a beloved pet, or to celebrate a special animal or animal lover." For more information click the "Merci" link above.
The Pet Trust at the Guelph OVC has long been our charity of choice. They now have an MRI for companion animals, and it makes us feel that we are doing something of merit as a way to say thank you to those who bring so much into our lives.