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In a previous post, I wrote about the different ways hunters in different parts of the world behave AFTER a dog goes on point. Today, I'd like to look at the finer details of the way many Europeans work with their...

Window Into the Past

Window Into the Past

Manufrance bicycle factory Manufrance (Manufacture Francaise d'Armes et Cycles de St. Etienne) was a French mail order company located in St. Etienne France. It opened in 1885 and specialized in shotguns and bicycles but also sold a vast array...

Interview with a Master

Interview with a Master

In my book I wrote about seeing a sparkle in the eye of renowned Cesky Fousek breeder Jaromir Dostal. It was a look we had seen before; a certain fiery sparkle, a radiant glow on the faces of...

Picardy Spaniels in North America. The Year in Review

Picardy Spaniels in North America. The Year in Review

In 2016 there were fewer than a half dozen Picardy Spaniels in North America. By the end of 2017, the number had risen to nearly 30 and for the first time ever, a litter of Picardy Spaniels was whelped...

Once you go French....

Once you go French....

One day, I will write the story of how an Icelandic-Ukrainian prairie boy grew up to become a wine-sipping, snipe hunting, stark raving francophile. In the meantime, let me share just one aspect of the French life I've adopted;...

Interview with a Connoisseur Part 2

Interview with a Connoisseur Part 2

In Part 1 I asked professional trainer Xavier Thibault about the various French pointing breeds and the French breeding system. Today I asked him about his approach to training those breeds. When it comes to training a dog from one...

Here and There Part 4

Here and There Part 4

“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.” ― Isaac Asimov Painting by Paul de Vos (1595-1678)  In parts one, two and three of...